Dear Moosilauke Parent:
This provides our first letter from our 2.5 week session. It has been a busy, fun-filled week. Click on for daily photos and read on for all the adventures and special happenings.
As you know, Monday, July 26th, was opening day. Although we had a brief drizzle, overall it was very pleasant and not nearly as hot as the previous week. Once we finished with arrivals and registration, the whole camp played the time-honored game of "Bill Says" (like "Simon Says" but better). After the game the new campers met their Camp big brothers and were escorted by them to our first meal. After our Moose burger-fest the first chants and songs of the session began. The highlight was "There was a crazy Moose" lead by counselor Josh who has the unique distinction of making a Division I football team and also being selected to be part of the elite male singing group at his school. Then it was time for a silly Moose trivia contest MCed by head counselor Gordo. After the meal it was down the hill for age group orientation games followed by our traditional wacky counselor introductions by activity areas. The campers agreed that the best introductions were courtesy of the swimming staff going wild with squirt guns, the baseball staff smashing fruit, and the tennis staff riding lawn mowers.